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Acto de entrega de Premios CAEB a la Innovación Empresarial. II Edición.

The Menorca’s Biloop and Nautal, awarded in the CAEB Prizes for the Entreprise Innovation

Past 5th February, CAEB (Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands) delivered the awards for the Enterprise and Entrepreneur Innovation. The awarded companies have been Biloop (translator of emotions), Nautal (online rental of recreation boats), Laboratorios SANIFIT (product line for dental hygiene), Beesensor Technologies (technology for the use of wireless networks sensors), Querqus Energy (a biomass supply) and SM2 (a tool of open code for managing projects and programs), with a special distintion. All the companies awarded received a complete program composed by 6 formative modules offered by Innovation FactoryTM Institute. [+info]