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Innovative leadership and creative team management

The possibilities of leadership to promote innovation

Innovative leadership and creative team management Category: Skills and Competences
Type: Workshops and Seminars
Duration: Between 5 and 8 hours
Format: Classroom formatFormación blended o mixtae-learningRapid e-learning - autoformación
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Understanding how complicated the leaderships of groups and teams may become, this module aims to explain which is the leader’s role within them, the different  prevailing styles and when to apply them. A range of tools will be provided, that allow participants to manage more effectively their teams, as well as to understand the latent needs of the people who make it up. In turn, explaining the dangerous effect of GroupThink (where conflict is not beneficial) and some techniques to overcome it will be also showed. All this in order to create an optimal work environment that allows innovation and worker’s true satisfaction.



  • To understand the leader's role and his need to innovate
  • To explain the different leadership styles and learn when to apply each leadership style
  • To understand the differences between a manager and an innovative leader
  • To plan ahead for Group Think phenomenon and learn to create a good working environment that allows innovation
  • To get motivated team members



  • To understand each team’s internal needs 
  • To adopt the appropriate leadership style according to the team’s needs
  • To distiguish between a leader and a manager, promoting this way, the features required in every moment
  • To understand and plan ahead for GroupThink phenomenon, managing the work environment and motivating workgroups